Domestic Violence and Children
In a national survey of more than 6,000 American families, 50 percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children.28
Slightly more than half of female victims of intimate violence live in households with children under age 12.29
Studies suggest that between 3.3 - 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.30
Three in four women (76 percent) who reported they had been raped and/or physically assaulted since age 18 said that a current or former husband, cohabiting partner, or date committed the assault.31
One in five (21 percent) women reported she had been raped or physically or sexually assaulted in her lifetime.32
Nearly one-fifth of women (18 percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some time in their lives; one in 33 men (three percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some time in their lives.33
In 2000, 48 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed against people age 12 and over were reported to the police.34
In 2001, 41,740 women were victims of rape/sexual assault committed by an intimate partner.35
Rapes/sexual assaults committed by strangers are more likely to be reported to the police than rapes/sexual assaults committed by “nonstrangers,” including intimate partners, other relatives and friends or acquaintances. Between 1992 and 2000, 41 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by strangers were reported to the police. During the same time period, 24 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by an intimate were reported.36
jeudi 22 mai 2008
jeudi 13 mars 2008
The Racisme
The main theme throughout the Freedom Writers diary is racism.
We can read in this book some problems about it.
There are some celebrity who was fight it.
Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was living in the segregated South, she was arrested because she refused to move her seat for a white man.
Her bold action astonished many people, she opened the door for the most famous boycotts of our time introduced the struggle for civil right.
We can read in this book some problems about it.
There are some celebrity who was fight it.
Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was living in the segregated South, she was arrested because she refused to move her seat for a white man.
Her bold action astonished many people, she opened the door for the most famous boycotts of our time introduced the struggle for civil right.
jeudi 7 février 2008
The Freedom Writers and their readings
1. Why did Ms Gruwell have the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust and meet Holocaust survivors?
Ms Gruwell had the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust, because they did'nt know what the Holocaust was. Their situation in the "hood" is similar to the Holocaust. Mrs Gruwell wants to show them that racism is very dangerous.
2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples.
Anne Frank was a Jew, it was very hard to live during World War II and Holocaust. Miep Gies helped Anne Frank. The Freedom Writers had some problems and Ms Gruwell helped them as well.
3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers?
She wrote in her diary "Mimmy" about the horrors of war in Sarajevo, through which she was living. He lived the similar life to Anne Frank, some news agencies and media outlets labelled her the Anne Frank of Sarajevo.
4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it?
I can see on the quote "Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I'll simply say, I'm a human being." that the Freedom writers change opinion of racism after meet her.
Everyboby is human!
Ms Gruwell had the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust, because they did'nt know what the Holocaust was. Their situation in the "hood" is similar to the Holocaust. Mrs Gruwell wants to show them that racism is very dangerous.
2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples.
Anne Frank was a Jew, it was very hard to live during World War II and Holocaust. Miep Gies helped Anne Frank. The Freedom Writers had some problems and Ms Gruwell helped them as well.
3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers?
She wrote in her diary "Mimmy" about the horrors of war in Sarajevo, through which she was living. He lived the similar life to Anne Frank, some news agencies and media outlets labelled her the Anne Frank of Sarajevo.
4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it?
I can see on the quote "Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I'll simply say, I'm a human being." that the Freedom writers change opinion of racism after meet her.
Everyboby is human!
jeudi 31 janvier 2008
My feelings about the school
MY FEELINGS ABOUT THE SCHOOLAt the beginning, I didn't like my classes because, there aren't my best friends, but in this classe, there are some very nice people. I get on well with some classmates, I always laugh with Christopher and Lucas in class, they are stupid. I make new friends and we sometimes go out for a meal.This semester is very difficult, I didn't know if I have good grades. I have difficulties in French, History and German, but English, P.E. and biology are easy.My English teacher is very cool, I understand her lesson and we watch some movies in classes, the movies are very interesting. I have too much homework, I haven't got mush free time... I want play on the computer, watch TV and play basket ball, but I haven't got the time.So, this year in school is very difficult but I need work very hard! in classes, the movies were very great. I have too much homework, I haven't free time... I want play computer, watch TV and play basket ball, but I haven't time.So, this year school is very difficult, but I need to work ever harder!
Common "A dream"
This sing is in the movie " freedom witters" I love it ^^This movie is very nice.I watched this movie at school and now i read the book.
Common A dream
Common A dream
What I do in the week.
Hi,I speak about what I doing the week,I usually get up at 7 am, I go to school at 7:30 am and the classes starts at 8:05 am.The classes are very long and boring except P.E and English. Every Tuesday and Friday, I eat at school because I don't have time to go home for lunch.At school, the food is very bad, but I go to the kebab next to the school, that's better.At 3 pm or 5pm, the classes finishe and I come back home with friends.After that, I play basketball with some friends at Hugo Senger school.At 7 pm, I come back home and for dinner.Afterwards, I do my homework and I play on my computer.At 10:30, I go to bed and sleep.Every Friday night, I go out with some friends, we have dinner at Macdonald's and we talk.On Saturday, I have Chinese classes from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.Then, I meet friends and we go shopping and we play basketball.On Sunday, I get up late because I like to rest.During the vacation, I always go out with friends or family, I go to the swimming pool or bowling.I sometime go abroad, to France, to Italy or China.My bedroom is small but I have what I need, I have a computer, two tables. I just need a TV. ^^Every Wednesday, I must clean up my room, that's boring.
Speak you English??
Français :"Trois sorcières regardent trois montres Swatch. Quelle sorcière regarde quelle montre Swatch ?"
Anglais: "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch whichSwatch watch??
or Français:"Trois sorcières suédoises et transsexuelles regardent les boutons de trois montres Swatch suisses. Quelle sorcière suédoise transsexuelle regarde quel bouton de quelle montre Swatch suisse?"
Anglais :"Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches.Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?"
lol good luck ^^
My name is Stephan, I'm 16 years old.I come from China and I live in Geneva.I like playing basketball and computer games.I sometimes watch TV.I'm at Nicola Bouvier high school, I like this high school because I have friends here.I love P.E, Maths and English but I don't like German and history,After school, I go with some friends to play basketball.Sometimes, I go with my best friend to eat outside and after we watch TV and play playstation.I have a little sister and a little brother, their names are Caroline and Jonathan, I love them.Later, I want to be an I.T person and work in a company.I like rap, r'n'b and some other musics.I love comedy movies. I often watch thrillers movies with some friends. I love Harry Potter, but I don't like reading it.My e-mail is : steph_unit@hotmail.comHere are a few things about me! Stephan
Freedom Writer's Diary
1. I would like to invite 50 Cent ( Curtis Jackson), because he's the best rapper and when he was young, he lived in the hood, he was in a gang and he had guns, but now he has money and everyboby knows him. I would like to learn how he changed his life.
2. You should speak with different people. It's important to read books about different people, because you learn about their lives and you know something about them. They learnt from reading Anne Frank's diary, because it's about racism and holocaust.
3.In the "hood" there are wars, murders, that isn't good. Some people can see the similar between different ethnicity. It's important because there isn't murder.
4. They are Asian, Black, Caucasian and Latino.
5. The hood is very dangerous, there are gangs, guns, drugs, murders. Somebody can kill you, because you are a different ethnicity.
6. The parents do nothing, some parents are in the jail or they are not at home.
7. Some students experienced juvenile hall, they were scared , because they could hear sounds, inmates banging on walls, throwing up their gang signs. The students usually cried on their first night.
9.The main issues in the "hood" are gang, racism, drugs, religion and school.
10. When I read about the death of one of the students I felt very sad. The Freedom Writers have lost many friends. I feel that is very sad, I would not like to lose my friends or my family.
2. You should speak with different people. It's important to read books about different people, because you learn about their lives and you know something about them. They learnt from reading Anne Frank's diary, because it's about racism and holocaust.
3.In the "hood" there are wars, murders, that isn't good. Some people can see the similar between different ethnicity. It's important because there isn't murder.
4. They are Asian, Black, Caucasian and Latino.
5. The hood is very dangerous, there are gangs, guns, drugs, murders. Somebody can kill you, because you are a different ethnicity.
6. The parents do nothing, some parents are in the jail or they are not at home.
7. Some students experienced juvenile hall, they were scared , because they could hear sounds, inmates banging on walls, throwing up their gang signs. The students usually cried on their first night.
9.The main issues in the "hood" are gang, racism, drugs, religion and school.
10. When I read about the death of one of the students I felt very sad. The Freedom Writers have lost many friends. I feel that is very sad, I would not like to lose my friends or my family.
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